Our house! In the middle of the street!

By: niftyba

Jun 23 2008

Category: Uncategorized

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I am taking a break from my glorious day job (folding clothes) to introduce you to our home. One week before the wedding, Billy and I became the new rentors of a house, and while I was in Pensacola getting everything ready, Billy was doing the same thing with all of our possessions. I am very thankful that Billy and his family (his parents AND this visiting family from Scotland) helped move us in- considering the immense heat INSIDE the house, I can only imagine what it was like. It was strange hearing about the ordeal hundreds of miles away- I called Billy once, and he said his back gave out. What was I supposed to do???! Anywhoo, this is what our new home looks like. I took these pictures right after we went to the rental place and signed the lease, and right before I left Orlando to go to Pensacola. The house we are living in is only a few minutes from Billy’s parents house, and is pretty much where I had wanted to live if I had to choose a place in Orlando. It’s in a very nice neighborhood filled with birds and trees, and close to everything- Target, Pei Wei, Winter Park, hipster hangouts, downtown concert venues! I get out a lot more than I did living in NSB (BTW, I used to live with Billy in New Smyrna Beach for a few months. Oh, scandalous, lol, not. The experience really helped in finding out if we were compatible in living together, and we now know what really irks us about the other. One cool thing about moving into a house, however, was finding out that Billy has never heard me use my sewing machine before.) The house was built in 1957, has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and is approximately 1500 square feet, not including our HUGE front and back yards. We’ve got a lot of room, people. Come visit us!

Casa de Billy and Ali.

Our cars!

The hole to look outside is Billy-and-Ali height!

Our living room.

Banister-thingy inside the house that divides the area we put our living room and our dining room.

Hallway, and the a/c controls in the second living room.

Small kitchen- my favorite part of the house because it is GREEN.

Guest bathroom, which is actually bigger than ours, with a tub and sink storage.

 Our bathroom… gotta love that pink tile. And grey sink!

Master bedroom.

Billy and Ali in the house!Behind us is where the second living room is, a.k.a. our music room.

Our feet on our front porch.

No longer for rent!

The happy renters.






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